Monday, May 01, 2006

Crap web sites

I think that I've mentioned this topic before but here goes for 2nd time around.
I was trawling shit in the net looking for something about KES, one of the best Brit films ever.
Sadly, there were only a few decent sites dedicated to the film but fukin' hundreds of links to the IMDB [internet Movie Database].
It's not that I don't like the IMDB, I don't. I absolutely hate it. It's a list of not every film ver made, mostly with incorrect details in terms of cast, crew etc, etc. The fact that it's such a reference can only compound such errors.
A similar load of old shite is Wikkipedia. Wildly inaccurate and compiled by any fool who wants to contribute without checking their facts. Does nobody moderate anything anymore?
I've been on the receiving end of this creative mania for info on the web.
Many moons ago, when I worked for a living [running pubs & nightclubs] I would get loads of phone calls from persons who were "doing" a web site about pubs. Click, as I put the phone down. These twats seldom get halfway through A in the alphabet and mostly the details they do give are wrong.
Why bother?


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