Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I was reading somebody's blog this evening and he kept dropping references to his "tight butt, in my new CK's" and "my favorite CK's" etc, etc.
I don't get this fascination with Calvin Klien undies.
David, my other half, wears them. The type he wears are illustrated above [though that's not him in the pic]. He did offer to pose for the pic but I declined his offer. The reason being, the only time that CK undies ever look like those in the pic is when they are fresh out of the box. Once they've been through the wash a couple of times they look like an old dish cloth.
Now, I can already hear all the tapping of the keys of disgruntled homos saying that their CK's aren't like that.
CK's are such cheap old tat that they all do it.
The other thing I fail to understand is why is there a need to have one's jeans hanging around the knees just to expose the brand of underwear? If it said "Marks & Spencer" instead of CK, no fukker would dare expose the brand, so why do it with CK's?
After all,they're not exactly exclusive, Tesco sell them.


Blogger coolbuddha said...

Can't beat good old M&S boxer shorts. They fit my fat arse a treat.

6:04 PM  
Blogger The Fatalist said...

Packs of briefs. Four for three quid in Primarks.
Does me fine. I don't think people notice so much when I'm playing with myself when I happen to stumble across the odd cottage that's still left.
It's not what underwear I'd be interested in, but what's inside them..ooh I'd be so lucky! ;-)

6:15 PM  

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