She said the same thing about the Irish; hence she doesn’t speak to David. “Guilty by association” she calls it and I can never figure out if she means him or me.
Not that I agree with her sentiments in either case but, from some of the things I’ve heard said today peoples stoicism and resolve may not be as strong as the Sub-Standard would have us believe.
Something to think about is this, whenever one sees any kind of terrorist attack perpetrated by a religious fanatic, a “leading figure” from the opposing [for want of a better word] religion trots out the tolerance speech.
Tolerance I agree with, religion I think should be banished. We can see to the edge of the universe and yet people still follow this fukin god hokus pokus.
Do they believe in Santa Claus? No, a complete con.
The Easter Chick? A cheap [cheep] trick.
Notice those two examples pertain to a religious, albeit Christian, festival.
What about the monster under the bed then? Well, before you are either old enough to know better, or brave enough to look under the bed, you know that that monster is real.
But then comes the day when you bite the bullet and look under the bed. Monster? All gone away!
Sidney Hounds theory states that religion = monster under the bed.
It should be something you realise is a load of old shite before you leave primary school.