Thursday, July 14, 2005

Talking Bollox

You can call them lots of things, I call them crocodile tears.
I am of course talking about Ken Livingston.
How the man can stand in front of so many people and mouth the platitudes that he did is beyond belief.
With the exception of Hitler, whom I don’t remember personally, I cannot think of any one person under whose direction so many Londoners have died or suffered.
Just because Ken wasn’t driving the lorry that knocked down the cyclist doesn’t mean that he didn’t cause the death in the way that sitting on the bus with a bomb killed the commuters.
He also wasn’t driving the bendy bus that trapped the scooter rider nor did he detonate his explosives on the tube.
He wasn’t driving the taxi when it did a U-turn on Regent Street when it hit the pedestrian.
Nor was he riding the bike through Russell Square that killed the pensioner.
Shall I go on?
Under his direction the various forms of traffic, and that includes the traffic that travels on foot, in the whole of this city has been forced into a form of combat, the like of which cannot have been seen since the Romans threw people into the ring at the coliseum with wild animals.
Traffic signals have been re-timed in favour of road traffic.
In many places you cannot cross the road because of the railings confining you to the pavement. Hence, You, Me and everybody else has to try and cross the road in the eight feet of gap, four hundred yards up the road from where you want to cross.
Not only are you funnelled through a small gap but also you are in the direct firing line of the most deadly killer on the road, the motorcycle courier on his bike. Why oh why do motorcycles get to sit at the front of the queue, in their own specially demarcated box?
Why are HGV’s permitted to enter the city at any time of the day? What happened to the proposal to do things “Amsterdam” style and only permit HGV’s to enter the “Congestion Zone” between 3.00am and 6.00am? [Hence many, many logistics companies [and their customers], prior to the congestion charge hokus pokus beginning, looked at night time deliveries.
How come our glorious Mayor [Mare!] didn’t permit the Met to push the Public Carriage Office to clamp down on driving without due care and attention? Why is London Taxi International [the only company in the world allowed to supply London’s “Black Cabs”] still given the specification that their vehicles must have a turning circle of 30 feet? [So that they can do a U-turn in the narrowest street].
Whose bright idea was it to order a fleet of 18-meter long busses for a city with the narrowest most winding roads?
What happened to the busses that were actually designed by the transport operating company that used them [that would be the routemaster]? You couldn’t get your wheelchair onto it without help thus incurring embarrassment and humiliation for the thousands of wheelchair users who use the busses every day [TfL now recon about 15 wheelchair users per day use the busses] Watch this space for the bendy Boeing 747 with dodgy access ramp.
Where did the potty idea come from for cycle lanes? Holland, probably. Have you ever seen the cycle lanes in Holland? They are not demarked by a line painted on the road, cutting down the width of the existing carriageway. It is a separate roadway in itself complete with its own traffic signals etc.
How come the Met are tasked with tackling mobile phone thefts [it’s your property, look after the fuking thing, it it’s so valuable stop leaving it laying around!] when they could be enforcing the Road Traffic [cycling] Act 2002 or the Parks & Open Spaces [Bylaws] 1936 with regard to cycling on the footpath?
I could go on but you get the drift.


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