Monday, March 20, 2006

Semi-responsible Dog Owner

I had an argument in the street this afternoon. Well, to be more precise, I followed some bitch along Cleveland St, shouting abuse at her as I went.
It's all Sidney's fault. There I was slobbing out on the sofa [it's my rest day] watching a film when Sidney came pawing at me. He obviously needed to go out. So, arming myself with a wad of plastic bags, off we went.
Part way down the street, Sid hunkered down for a crap. None of your squat and squeeze stuff here. He has to have his little shuffle around to keep his ring-piece out of the wind. Anyway, as he's doing this [with me looking the other way, he becomes autistic when pooing and doesn't like eye contact] some bitch walked past and "tutted".
"Don't tut at me you cunt!"
"There's dog mess all over the city"
"That's why I've got a bag to pick it up"
At which point, she kissed her teeth with that "tsssssst" noise.
Grabbing the poo [via the bag] I followed her down the street shouting things such as "I bet he looks better having a shit than you do" and other similar such things and rounding it off by threatening to throw the poo at her.
I love to see women in high heels trying to run!
Ah well, back to work tomorrow.


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