Wednesday, January 09, 2008

# Holidays are coming, Holidays are coming

Holidays are coming but I'm not thinking in terms of the Coke advertisement. I'm thinking of somewhere warm and sunny with lots of cute little Hispanic boys. Cuba, for instance. Cuba was good last time, it could be better this because I don't have to drag David along.

Holidays weren't always like that though. There was a time when it was very much like the Coke ads.
Most of our family holidays were spent at Bridlington or Scarborough. I remember them fondly but, some years ago I thought I'd scan the family snaps [I knew that my oldest brother would snaffle them away and they would be lost forever]. Looking at the pics, and they range over quite a lot of years, the one outstanding feature is of how cold it must have been. There isn't one shot of anybody looking remotely sunburned or even comfortably warm. Jumpers abounded.
The chill was generally offset by a huge steaming pot jug of tea, purchased from a stall on the promenade. Tea, the strength of which, would be enough to bring the glaze off of the inside of the jug. Mam would always have made up a parcel of sandwiches the chief ingredient of which would be sand. I don't ever recall her keeping much sand in the pantry at home so it must have made its way into the parcels while on the beach.
Anyway, while scanning through my photo's, I thought I'd post a few of them here.

Paternal grandparents with me in the middle. Hats, coats and jumpers much in evidence.

Evidence of sunshine on the east coast!. It must be slightly warmer than the norm because both grandads have taken their jackets off. This is the only pic I have of all of my grandparents together.

Dad and Aunts Nell & Dot. Nelly looks frozen, Dot had the foresight to put a thick jumper on.

John, Frank, Mark, Mam & Dad. Despite being on the "beach", it must have been cold enough even to have kept shoes on!

Taken, apparently, at Brid [so it said on the back of the photo] and possibly the only photograph in existence of my brother John with a smile on his face. It must be because he is in the presence of one of his own species. Notice that they are all wearing their school uniform. Good old St Theresa's.



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