Thursday, March 23, 2006

More Religion [and the bloody last, I promise]

Sorry about this but I'm back on the subject of religion again. All the other posts were sparked of by an e-mail sent to me by a colleague. Apart from the fact that he's a bit of a cunt, he's thick too. Anyway, he sent this e-mail to loads of us, the gist of which was "how come in this age of modern technology, we work harder, longer hours blah blah blah much in the same theme as that cannuck bitch who sang about "isn't it ironic blah blah rain on your wedding day, free ride" etc, etc.

Well, no, actually, it wasn't ironic. Observational, possibly. Ironic, not at all.
Anyway, this shit that had struck him so much was the same sort of thing only done by an American comedian [spot the oxymoron].
"Oi, why are you sending me this crap?"
"I thought it was uplifting, spiritual, sort of..."
"Are you fukin' joking? Spiritual? Like a prayer, that sort of thing?"
"Well, yeah, sort of."
"Have you ever seen that thing "Footprints"?"
"Yeah, I've got a copy here"
and, low and behold, he pulled a credit card sized copy from his wallet.
"Oh, I didn't know it was a prayer"
"Oh yeah"
.... at which point I had to walk away.

For those of you who don't know what "footprints" is, here it is

and here is a more realistic version!


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