Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Not All News Is Good

As I'm sure I've mentioned before, I'm not a big fan of TV. About the only thing I watch with any regularity is the news.

I never had much of a preference for which channel it was, but, over the past few years things have been getting pretty poor on the good old BBC.

Not only has the content gone down but the presentation has gone west too. Actually, it's not only gone west, it's gone to all the other points of the compass as well!

I'd started to lose faith in the Beeb when they started expressing opinions. I already have opinions [as regular readers will well know], the last thing I need is to encounter somebody else's.

Now you can switch on the BBC and find what amounts to a party political broadcast delivered in some obscure dialect.

It's the news as read by Brian Glover! [think of the PE teacher in Kes].

I don't mind regional dialects, after all, I have one. Regional dialects are fine when it comes to regional news. My home town of Leeds is the home of BBC LookNorth and ITV's Calendar. LookNorth was always a little bit superior to Calendar, which, for many years was presented by Richard Whitley, of Countdown fame. Enough said [but LookNorth had their own muppet, Harry Grayson]. Nevertheless, the "taint" of dialect was quite mild.

Anyway, back to the news. To watch the BBC news these days, you need to switch the sub-titles on. I'm not that thick that I don't realise that RP [Received Pronunciation] is false but I much prefer it to Hew Edwards' South Wales "twang" or even some of the other "Eh up's" etc.

Because of this, I've started watching Channel 4 News. No opinions, not dialects and their ident graphic isn't half as annoying as the one [above] on the Beeb.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least you don't have to put up with America's Fox "News". This organization is little more than a front-end for the ultra-conservative Republican Party.

If you watch this program, you'd swear that:
- Bush was popular and won two times in landslide elections.
- America is WINNING in Iraq, and the Iraqi people are desperately happy we're there.
- A huge tax cut for millionaires helps out *everyone*.
- Job outsourcing to India and China gives the working class "new opportunities to suceed".
- An anti-gay Federal Marriage Ammendment is the only thing that can keep straight marriages intact.
- The Patriot Act doesn't affect the average citizen AT ALL (except for that the government can tap your calls, open your mail, scan your computer, and imprison you in Cuba indefinitely without judicial review). If you disagree, you're just not patriotic.
- More drilling and war is what we need, not conservation and renewable energy.
- Hybrid cars are a commie/hippie fad.
- Jesus was a rich, white, conservative Republican who hated gays, liberals, and the poor.

And to top it off, Fox "News" runs 24/7!


7:13 PM  
Blogger liits said...

That's why I like Channel 4. At one time I thought C$ was a hippy tree hugging, hand made woolen clothes sort of thing and would never have watched it.
Now, I realise that it only presents the news, no bias, which is something the BBC stopped doing years ago. Thinking about it, around about the time we got this C**t for a Prime Minister.

7:31 PM  

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