Tuesday, February 07, 2006

....So to speak.

I think I've covered thi ground before, it's the way people speak, not what they say, but their pronunciation.
This has come about again because I had a huge row with somebody at work.
Apart from the fact that she talks utter shite all day, the way she pronounce it really gets on my tits.
Now, I'm under no illusion that I talk like Penelope Keith [think of the characterization, from The Good Life] but my command of English hasn't quite descended to grunt, sniffs and glotteral stops, I think more of myself as sounding like, dare I say it, Bernard Manning.
"What's vis fing ven"? asked my colleague.
"What's a "vis fing ven""?
"I don't know what it is"
"But you signed it in"
"What is it ven"?
"I'm Chris"
"Chris, my name's Chris"
by now she was really confused, but she had gotten the idea that I was taking the piss.
"Can I get you an interpreter, or would you like to write your question down"?
.....So she did. In big letters with her best crayon she wrote WHAT IS THIS THING? on the evidence bag.
"Ah, sorry, I thought you said "what is vis fing ven"
At which point she started shouting at me etc, etc.
Later this afternoon the cow buttonholed me in the canteen. She explained, or tried to, why she spoke like a cunt. Then I explained to her why she spoke like a cunt [toooooo long-winded to go into here].
Now I know that some words in our language are not pronounced the way they are spelled but enven they do not have the corners knocked off of them to the extent that their pronunciation is changed totally.
Seemingly, any word which begining with TH is being replaced by the letter F, V or D.
Here are a few examples.
Fort = Thought
Fink = Think
Vis / Dis = This
Fanks = Thanks
Vat = That
Ve = The
The campaign goes on.


Blogger The Fatalist said...

What a load of old bollocks Liits!
I speak with a broad sarf lunnon cockey accent, dropping my t's and aitches, and am proud to do so. I'm not ashamed of being working class. What I don't like is people who assume I'm thick just because I don't speak BBC English. I may be wrong, but maybe it grates you more that your colleague is just plain stupid, rather than just her accent?

8:41 PM  
Blogger liits said...

Careful ,careful, I never mentioned anything about dropping aitches, I talked about the wiv, vis & vat / dat syndome. I'm not that thick / northern / stupid that I don't know what a London accent sounds like. and what described isn't it. Cast your mind back to all of those late 40's, early 50's films with the women with their clipped "received pronunciation". Well, Wiv, Vis & vat are the modern equivalent. This is not the first time this phenomonen has come about. Neighbours had the same effect on Austrailians. All of a sudden, they all began talking with a nasal twang. I guess ours is brought about by something like....Eastenders, perhaps.
If you doubt the veracity of this and now find yourself saying vis, vat & ve ovver, think back, did you pronounce those same words in the same way when you were a child?

11:10 PM  
Blogger liits said...

Oh, and by the way, you are wrong, she is far, far, from stupid. For her job, she needs to be much better qualified than your average dumb-fuck copper.

11:17 PM  
Blogger Doug said...

I have noticed this on watching detective shows from your country. I promise I won't start doing it!

11:55 PM  

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