Thursday, April 12, 2007

Revenge on Dave [& Sidney]

Dave maintains that he isn't feeling well and intends watching a few DVD's and going to bed early. This is his hint at a "cuddle up on the sofa" type scenario.
I've comprehensively put the mockers on this malarkey and for good reasons too! 1. I'm not a "cuddle up on the sofa" type animal. 2. I know the sort of films he watches. 3. There's bugger all wrong with him.
If he wants to cuddle up then he can cuddle old ginger chops [Sidney].
Good old Sid enjoys a bit of TLC and after having just tried out Christian's theory, he may need a whole bucket full of TLC.
Christian's theory states that: The number of Cadbury Cream Eggs it is possible to feed to a bulldog is exactly equal to the number of eggs available at the time of feeding. [on this occasion, 7]
and here's betting that there is no sick bag in the seat pocket infront!


Blogger Doug said...

Whatm types of films does he watch? I am definately not cuddly when I am sick. I am more of the "leave me alone, I am sleeping, type." At least he has the bulldog for company!

3:29 PM  

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