Sunday, January 01, 2006

Crap Food

While I was typing the entry below about the mags & holidays we got on to talking about other crap things and food came up. Dave, when doing the Christmas shopping bought a box of After 8 Irish Cream "flavored" chocs. I tasted on and nearly threw up [for once, I didn't swallow but spat]. Even Sidney wouldn't eat them!
Then, France mentioned Quorn. I'm frightened of this stuff. Follow this link for other peoples bed experiences with Quorn
Fat Bird buys this shite by the skip load. She's not a veggie but it's fat free-ish so she thinks it will help her lose weight. What she doesn't realize is that it's not the amount of fat she eats that's the problem, its the amount she fukin eats! Anyway, back to the Quorn.
France made the classic mistake of saying that it's made from mushrooms. Is it hell. It says on the label that it is a "microprotien" which is fungus derived. Sure, all mushrooms are fungus but not all fungus is mushrooms! It is actualy a mould. Moreover it is type of mold that grows on the roots of wheat.
Ok, so you've gotten over the fact that you're eating something which, if you found it growing on your cheese, you would cut off / throw away or, if you found it growing on your knob well, don't do either of the aforementioned. Why if you are a veggie, do you want to eat something that looks like part of a dead animal? I thought that that was the whole idea of being a veggie.


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