Saturday, December 10, 2005

# Happy birthday to You, Happy birthday to you...

Above: France, one of our bestist mates.

Above: David in full fag mode

Above: Me, pissed, explaining some hyper-important point to Dave's boss.

Above: Me, still pissed, with Fabiano, Dave's assistant manager.

Above: some bit of meat with half of its kit off in Too 2 Much.

It's that time of the year again. Birthdays, mine and Davids, Christmas, and silly season.
Today is Dave's birthday, mine is on Wednesday. Having a birthday so close to Christmas is crap. When I was a kid if I wanted anything decent for Chrismas [which was rare, I only ever wanted Lego] it always came with the tag-line of "well, it will be for both birthday and Christmas so you know you won't get anything on your birthday..." Now, I can treat myself to whatever I want. Hence I've just bought myself a 250G hard-drive for my laptop so I can keep all my music, porn etc on it.
Seeing as it's Daves birthday on a Saturday we're combining it with mine and we're going on the lash. Henrys [managed by a friend], then Too, 2 Much [where the Raymond Review Bar used to be] my favorite bar, then on to Beyond. It may take me a few days to recover.


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