I wish I'd thought of that
On Friday I had the joy & pleasure of patrolling with one of those delightful PCSO’s things. In the normal course of things you can always find something to talk about but I knew from the outset that this was gonna be a tough one.
I recon in a former life he must have been a scaffolder.
Now don’t kid yourself that when the uniform goes on the sex drive is left in the locker, it isn’t. It just gets hidden under the helmet. Supposedly we can’t troll around ogling women / men or whatever but, being human….
Well this boy had his eyes out on stalks and I had to warn him not to make it so bloody obvious.
“Why, didn’t you think she was fit?”
“Not my type, sorry”
“Shit you’d have to be queer not to want a piece of that!”
“Well, as it happens…..”
Now some subjects can kill a conversation stone dead and mentioning that you’re a fag is one of them.
Well, it took him a few streets to mull this over before he said anything.
“Aren’t you embarrassed telling people?”
“No, but I’m not going to turn it into a crusade either so I don’t run around shouting it at everybody”
“But don’t you care what people think?”
“What is there to think about?”
“Well, er, the, er, taking it in the bum thing”
“There is slightly more to it than that”
“Is there?”
And at that point, the conversation lapsed completely.
Later that evening, doing the moonlighting job, I was reading this week’s copy of BOYZ there was an article about coming out and explaining being gay. [I actually never describe myself as being gay, I call it queer]
The example that made me giggle was a quote from Queer as Folk when Steve’s Mum is telling one of her friends that Steve is queer….
“It’s fine if you don’t think about the arse thing, forget about the arse thing. If it was your daughter you wouldn’t think about them having sex so why should I do it for my son.”