Thursday, September 15, 2005

I am a cannibal [apparently]

Talk about how to win friends and influence people!
I had the dubious pleasure [in my official capacity] of attending the Steering Group Meeting for the Camden Green Fair 2006 today.
I’ve done these sorts of things before and they tend to drag on for more time than enough and nothing ever seems to get resolved. They bicker about things like should the background colour for the posters be light blue or dark blue, that sort of thing.
The only attraction of going to this particular meeting was that it was being held in a café in Camden.
Well, count me in!
I should have known better, really. Camden, I mean……
Par for the course, I arrived just in the nick-nick of time.
“Can I get you a sandwich and a cuppa?”
“Ooh, a bacon sandwich would be grand!”
Icy silence complete with a stare that said “Fascist Pig Eater”.
“We’re vegetarian, actually”
“Just tea then, thanks”
Well fuck knows where they buy their tea but they need to go somewhere else. Raspberry & Cranberry. It was like warm Ribena!
Having made one social fox paw I didn’t fancy my chances in seeing how far down the vegan road they’d gone so I thought I’d better not ask if there was any milk for the tea. They may have thought I was really taking the piss!


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